A Study of the Hudson Guild Neighborhood House, Chelsea, New York, 1895-1950

Mildred M Smith, Fordham University


The University Settlements were first established in England in the year 1885. It was after this original movement that other branches, such as the Social Settlements appeared in later years. The impetus behind this movement was the Enfranchisement Act of 1867 and by the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century. It was at this time that great numbers of young people came to the city or to where the factory was, to get a job. This influx of people worked among poor social conditions and were paid very little. Their work hours were long and consequently they had no time for education. Because of this situation the University Settlement aimed to supply practical training as well as cultural background, while at the same time trying to improve the living conditions of the working people.The settlement movement spread to the United States. Its first efforts were started by the church or missionary groups. The Industrial Revolution had by this time moved to the United States and by 1890, it too, was largely industrialized. Thousands and thousands of immigrants were pouring into the country. Because of the social conditions, it became necessary for the settlements to shift their emphasis from education to that of humanitarianism - or neighborliness. They continued along these lines, until they reverted to their original educational purpose in England in the 1920's and the 1930's in the United States.

Subject Area

European history|Social structure|Social work

Recommended Citation

Smith, Mildred M, "A Study of the Hudson Guild Neighborhood House, Chelsea, New York, 1895-1950" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509545.
