A Survey of Existing Facilities of the Sixteen Catholic Psychiatric Hospitals in the United States in 1950

Anne Marie Forrestal, Fordham University


What was it that made the Good Samaritan different from the Priest and Levite who traveled along the same road to Jericho? Why is it that the name Vincent de Paul has stood out as a beacon light of Charity for almost three centuries? Coming closer to our own day, why do we recall the life of Rose Hawthorne with deepest admiration and praise? Is it not because each of these persons saw a need and was convinced that he or she personally should do something about it? In the case of the Good Samaritan, Christ Himself tells us that both the Priest and the Levite "saw the need" of the man who had fallen among robbers.

Subject Area

Clinical psychology|Experimental psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Forrestal, Anne Marie, "A Survey of Existing Facilities of the Sixteen Catholic Psychiatric Hospitals in the United States in 1950" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509546.
