Unmarried Mothers in East Harlem: A Study of the Probable Factors in Eight Active Cases Known to Family Service Catholic Charities, 1956

Betty Velez, Fordham University


In the history of mankind extending over millions of years there have been countless unmarried mothers, millions of them. Before there ever was a married mother, marriage had to exist.The institution of marriage, in one form or another in various cultures, predates the beginning of civilization, which was several thousand years before Christ, by thousands and perhaps millions of years. No one knows how long ago there was marriage. If there had not been mating among mankind, the human being would not exist today. It seems reasonable to assume that in various primitive cultures as far back as hundreds of thousands of years ago systems of mating would have developed.

Subject Area

Womens studies|Individual & family studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Velez, Betty, "Unmarried Mothers in East Harlem: A Study of the Probable Factors in Eight Active Cases Known to Family Service Catholic Charities, 1956" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509551.
