"Parental Attitudes as Seen in a Study of Six Cases Presenting Behavior" by Carmine Joan Salerno

Parental Attitudes as Seen in a Study of Six Cases Presenting Behavior Problems Treated at the Italian Board Guardians

Carmine Joan Salerno, Fordham University


The writer like many of his fellow social workers has always had considerable interest in the subject of parental attitudes as they affect the personality development of children and their behavior. In the writer’s employment as a worker in training at the Italian Board of Guardians he became increasingly aware of some of the causal factors in the problem behavior of children and the role parents played in the development of the problems. The writer’s interest in the parent child relationships was further enhanced in reading the wealth of reading material on the subject of parental attitudes and how they do affect children’s behavior and personality development . The matter of the home as it affects the child is a far reaching and subtle area for discussion. The effect of family relationship upon a child becomes quite involved when it is seen how the sum total of home influences can affect children. The writer prior to entering social work felt that every mother loved each child in the same way. As the author worked with the families at the Italian Board of Guardians he saw in practice the theories and concepts of child focused case work, that is, that the behavior problems in children must be studied in relation to the attitudes of both parents.

Subject Area

Developmental psychology|Individual & family studies|Social work|Behavioral psychology

Recommended Citation

Salerno, Carmine Joan, "Parental Attitudes as Seen in a Study of Six Cases Presenting Behavior Problems Treated at the Italian Board Guardians" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509570.
