Recreational Needs and Facilities in Byram, Connecticut: A Pilot Study of the Recreational Needs and Facilities for Children Between the Ages of Eight to Seventeen in Byram, Connecticut

Vito George Rigillo, Fordham University


Social Welfare planning for communities in the future should and undoubtedly will place as much emphasis on prevention of social problems as they do in solving many of the current social problems. Many communities in the United States today appear to initiate social planning only when the community becomes painfully aware of existing social problems or when an outside catalytic agent aids or in some cases spurs the community into recognization of the existing or impending problems. Even then the community may develope no real insight into the nature of the problem or may either allow the problem to continue to exist or develops a social plan which will not strike at the core of the problem.In this dissertation, the author will attempt to specifically show that there must be a detailed appraisal of the social problem presented by the community before any social planning or action can be substantially effective in meeting the whole problem.

Subject Area

Social structure|Individual & family studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Rigillo, Vito George, "Recreational Needs and Facilities in Byram, Connecticut: A Pilot Study of the Recreational Needs and Facilities for Children Between the Ages of Eight to Seventeen in Byram, Connecticut" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509572.
