Maryknoll Sister's Clinic: A Study of the Maryknoll Clinic in Pusan, Korea, as a Community Service During the War and Post-War Period, 1951-1955

Joseph Mary Toohig, Fordham University


Before the summer of 1950, few people in the Western world were really aware of Korea - the 11 historic and heroic peninsula which dangles off the vast coast of Asia. Although Korea ranks as the thirteenth nation in the world in terms of population, it has been said that there is no country of comparable significance of which so many people are ignorant. Since the outbreak of war there in June 1950 and the subsequent "police action” of the United Nations, Korea has gained considerable recognition for its strategic position in international politics. Yet the Koreans and their society in general have remained unknown.The story of Korea’s struggle to heal the wounds of war and to establish itself as a free and independent nation could be retold in the attempts of its various communities to find a solution to the complex problems that they must face.

Subject Area

International Relations|Political science

Recommended Citation

Toohig, Joseph Mary, "Maryknoll Sister's Clinic: A Study of the Maryknoll Clinic in Pusan, Korea, as a Community Service During the War and Post-War Period, 1951-1955" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509575.
