A Descriptive Study of the Dependent Delinquent Adolescent Girl Based Upon Cases Known to the Catholic Guardian Society and Committed by the Wayward Minor Court for Correctional Care at Villa Loretto

Audrey Veronica Gallon, Fordham University


Social thinkers recognize the obstacles faced by the individual in his efforts to develop and mature in the complex society which exists today. Those of us in the field of Social Welfare concert our efforts towards helping the individual realize a healthy adjustment to life. The social agency whose primary focus is the adolescent is especially concerned in helping him to bridge the road between the dependent years of childhood and the responsibility faced in adult years.The writer in undertaking the present study has been interested in exploring some of the components in the life of the dependent girl who has chosen to solve her conflicts through anti-social behavior. It was felt that a thorough investigation of the background and the environment in which these youths have grown delinquent will provide a starting point for a better understanding of the causative factors involved in this aberrant behavior. By a more intelligent understanding of its causes, the more constructive challenge of the prevention of delinquency is made possible. To this end, the writer hopes to make some small contribution.

Subject Area

Law|Clinical psychology|Health care management|Social work

Recommended Citation

Gallon, Audrey Veronica, "A Descriptive Study of the Dependent Delinquent Adolescent Girl Based Upon Cases Known to the Catholic Guardian Society and Committed by the Wayward Minor Court for Correctional Care at Villa Loretto" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509606.
