Probation Prediction: Ohlin Scale Applied to Ten Assault Cases Which Terminated Supervision in the Queens County Court, 1955

John Paul Szulgit, Fordham University


The primary purpose of a preliminary probation investigation is to aid the Court in making an intelligent disposition of a case. Once the Court is familiar with the offender’s past conduct, circumstances and the reasons for it, it is in a better position to focus on the type of treatment the offender needs and will be better able to serve the best interests of society, the offender and his family. As a result the pre-sentence investigation not only aids in providing a sound basis on which to select offenders for probation, but also aids in the selection of other types of correctional treatment and in planning the duration of such treatment.Therefore, the pre-sentence investigation is in reality a social diagnosis which attempts to define in exacting terms, the situation, the personality of the offender and his social need, it includes three major areas, legal, personal and social history. Generally incorporated within these areas are an understanding of the offender’s personality, attitudes motives, capacities and limitations. Also the collection of facts which reveal his past history, describe his social and economic situation, indicate his needs and give some insight into his anti-social conduct. A more comprehensive picture is completed when various mental, psychological and physical tests are utilized in conjunction with the aforementioned knowledge. The most important factor is coordinating all this information so that it has meaning and significance. Emphasis should be placed on the understanding and interpretation of personal factors rather than on the mere collection of objective facts.

Subject Area

Law|Law enforcement|Social work

Recommended Citation

Szulgit, John Paul, "Probation Prediction: Ohlin Scale Applied to Ten Assault Cases Which Terminated Supervision in the Queens County Court, 1955" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30509609.
