The Unprecedented Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine: Speed and Funding Allocations

Nicole Ann Hubka, Fordham University


This thesis will examine the hardships Ukraine is facing throughout the war and what are the next steps to come even through challenging turn of events. It also aims to analyze and assess the speed and funding allocations associated with the unprecedented response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The study will investigate the factors that influenced the speed of the response, including the involvement of various stakeholders, political considerations, and logistical challenges. Furthermore, it will examine the effectiveness of funding allocations in addressing urgent needs of affected populations throughout Ukraine. The methodology will involve a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods through findings , including observations in person, data analysis, and few case studies. The findings will contribute to a better understanding of the complexities surrounding humanitarian crisis responses and provide insights into improving future interventions.

Subject Area

International Relations|Slavic Studies

Recommended Citation

Hubka, Nicole Ann, "The Unprecedented Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine: Speed and Funding Allocations" (2023). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30530447.
