A History of the Catholic Welfare Bureau, Stamford, Connecticut: 1931-1950

Jane Anne Williams, Fordham University


When Christ came to the world He was the first to revolutionize the attitude towards charity by His teachings and examples. As Christianity spread, the exercise of charity was made a primary function of the Church and one which she will never relinquish entirely to secular organizations. In those early days, the administration of charity was under the immediate direction of the bishop while the deacon’s office was instituted to aid the apostles in carrying out their charitable work more extensively. It was the responsibility of these men to investigate those in distress and to distribute relief.In later years, the monastic orders developed with Christian charity as their basic motivation for work. It was through their untiring effort and devotion that the first institution for the welfare of the people arose. Their monasteries became the shelter of the poor and oppressed and as early as the fourth century, they had organized hospitals, leper homes, and orphan asylums.

Subject Area

Religion|Social work

Recommended Citation

Williams, Jane Anne, "A History of the Catholic Welfare Bureau, Stamford, Connecticut: 1931-1950" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557609.
