A Study of the Carroll Club Volunteer Training Program: 1951-1952

Lillian Ann Harnett, Fordham University


Background of the Study. “So it all began with the volunteer; and it was the intelligent volunteer looking about at the chaos of social life in big cities that called into being the trained worker.” Thus Ruth Dodd traces the development of professional social work from the early efforts of the pioneer volunteers.In all phases of social work, the needs are still too great to be met by professionally trained workers. This is especially true in the field of group work. The emergency situation declared by President Truman on December 16, 1950 constitutes a farther complication, for the armed services and civilian defense projects are again drawing upon an already limited personnel. Many agencies are also hindered by the perennial problem of limited budgets. The volunteer must still be called upon, and he is answering that call with such enthusiam that his age old service has been called a “remarkable new movement. ”

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Harnett, Lillian Ann, "A Study of the Carroll Club Volunteer Training Program: 1951-1952" (1952). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557630.
