Statistical Survey and Selected Case Study of the Puerto Rican Caseload of the Family Division of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Brooklyn, July 1, 1948 to July 1, 1951

Antonia Lugo, Fordham University


Background of the study. The history of this country has been marked by waves of immigration from various foreign countries. These different settlements have built the strongholds of our modern society. However, at the beginning, it is necessary that the immigrants go through a period of transition to and assimilation of customs in their new land. It is obvious, then, that our attention more and more must be turned to the new immigrant who is or will be going through the struggle of becoming part of a new community.New York City happens to be a typical example of the cosmopolitan nature of large American communities. More than any other, it is the city that faces continuously the process of assimilating newcomers who choose this harbor in search of the many opportunities it has to offer. One of the most recent groups to inhabit the City in great numbers is the Puerto Rican group. They are, like many other immigrants, experiencing misunderstanding and, in some instances, a crisis.

Subject Area

Statistics|Social work|Individual & family studies

Recommended Citation

Lugo, Antonia, "Statistical Survey and Selected Case Study of the Puerto Rican Caseload of the Family Division of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Brooklyn, July 1, 1948 to July 1, 1951" (1952). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557638.
