A Study of the Expellee Program in Bavaria, 1945-1952

Siegfried Kamintzky, Fordham University


The problem of expellees in Germany is an outgrowth of the last World War. As the Allied Armies approached the German frontier during 1944 many German civilians fled before them, particularly from the East. The decisions reached at the Potsdam Conference included the evacuation of the German population in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Thus approximately twelve million people migrated or were forcefully evacuated from Eastern Europe and resettled in defeated and devastated Germany. This study is concerned with the many fold problems arising from a forced migration of such tremendous magnitude, the steps taken by public and private agencies to cope with these problems, and the origin, function, purpose, and changing structure of one local agency for expellees in Bavaria.

Subject Area

Social research|World History|Social work

Recommended Citation

Kamintzky, Siegfried, "A Study of the Expellee Program in Bavaria, 1945-1952" (1952). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557640.
