A Study of the Senior Peoples Choral Group at the Salvation Army Red Shield Club in Harlem: 1951-1952

Josephine Elizabeth Lees, Fordham University


Our older population is increasing with alarming rapidity and we, the American people, must be prepared to meet this situation. We can no longer consider ourselves a nation of young people. 'while our total population has only doubled, the number of our older people has quadrupled in the last fifty years.Those who retire should not be left to degenerate through inactivity, but should be encouraged to use their leisure time constructively. This would be stimulating and satisfying to them and would contribute in many ways to the welfare of the community. Although older people may be limited physically, their desire to create still exists. They possess many skills and talents, some of which may not have been fully developed or even discovered before old age offered them the opportunity or time to explore their capabilities.

Subject Area

Social work|Demography|Aging

Recommended Citation

Lees, Josephine Elizabeth, "A Study of the Senior Peoples Choral Group at the Salvation Army Red Shield Club in Harlem: 1951-1952" (1954). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557653.
