An Experimental Study of the Influence of Visitors on the Adjustment of Boys at St. Dominic's School, Blauvelt, New York

August John Vielbig, Fordham University


Visits by parents and relatives to children placed in institutions are encouraged by most authorities in the field of child welfare. John M. Cooper, for example, says: "...if the child has suitable parents, relatives and friends, everything should be done to strengthen the golden cords of love...every reasonable provision needs to be made for parents to visit the child."The writer became interested in the importance and value of such visits while he was a member of the social service staff at St. Dominic's in several of the writer's cases in which there had been poor adjustments to institutional life, it was observed that the family had infrequent if any contact with the child.

Subject Area

Educational administration|Social work

Recommended Citation

Vielbig, August John, "An Experimental Study of the Influence of Visitors on the Adjustment of Boys at St. Dominic's School, Blauvelt, New York" (1952). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557673.
