Spanish-Speaking Residents of East Harlem: A Study of Fifty-Two Short Term Cases Serviced by Catholic Charities Family Division, 1952

Rose Ruiz Canales, Fordham University


”The charities of the Catholic Church are an expression of her understanding of the spiritual relations of men to one another and an interpretation of those relations in the terms of human service." I in very direct and simple language Msgr. Kerby states the philosophy behind all thinking of the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York. In the creation of the East Harlem District Office, Catholic Charities recognized that the needs of the people of that community were not being met by the parent organization. Catholic Charities has always been alert to the needs of the minority groups. It is not strange, therefore, that they should have become aware of the plight of the Spanish-speaking residents of East Harlem.The purpose of a family service agency is to enable the individual to secure a better understanding of his needs, and of his capacities to fulfill them, so that he will be able to effect a more satisfying and suitable adjustment to his problems or difficulties. A well developed Family Service Division is a necessary service of Catholic Charities. The virtue of Charity stresses the principle of Faith in the individual’s strengths. It requests from the Christian to do whatever is within his power to help his fellowman develop those strengths. These principles are characteristics of our Christian philosophy.

Subject Area

Individual & family studies|Religion|Social work

Recommended Citation

Canales, Rose Ruiz, "Spanish-Speaking Residents of East Harlem: A Study of Fifty-Two Short Term Cases Serviced by Catholic Charities Family Division, 1952" (1953). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557674.
