Social Work as a Vocational Choice: The Effect of Birth Order and Other Factors as Seen in a Questionnaire and Rating Scale Study of 136 Students at Fordham University School of Social Service, NYC. 1957-1958

Alphonse James Semenza, Fordham University


The hypothesis which is the subject matter of this paper is that the ordinal position in the sibling group, that is, whether we are an oldest, intermediate, youngest or only child has influenced our choice of social work as a vocation.However, an hypothesis just does not happen to come into being! Nor does the mere being of an hypothesis justify attempts to give it more substance by subjecting it to a controlled study. Thus, this chapter will try to provide the reader with a developmental picture of our hypothesis as well as research topic. In addition, we will devote a section of this chapter to the refinement of our hypothesis.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Semenza, Alphonse James, "Social Work as a Vocational Choice: The Effect of Birth Order and Other Factors as Seen in a Questionnaire and Rating Scale Study of 136 Students at Fordham University School of Social Service, NYC. 1957-1958" (1958). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557678.
