Leisure-Time Activities for Adolescents Girls: A Survey of the Public and Private Agencies in the Two Bridges Neighborhood of New York's Lower-Lower East Side in 1958

Isabel Joan McGolrick, Fordham University


The youth division supervisor of a leisure-time agency asked his staff for suggestions as to possible ways of solving a problem. The problem had been set forth in very simple terms - the attendance of teenage girls at the agency had decreased to a mere trickle. A concomitant problem was the decline in the attendance of teenage boys who openly complained about the absence of girls at the dances. From this it appeared that the girls had begun this trend away from the agency. Why?The ensuing discussion did not throw much light on the subject. The gist of their talk could be summarized in the fact that other agencies were having the same trouble. Nothing was offered in the way of a constructive solution. As this writer listened, she thought of what she had heard along this same line - not only from workers in other agencies but from "street-club" workers who, although assigned to work with boys’ gangs, told of the needs of the girls with whom they came in contact - teenage girls who often formed their own gangs.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

McGolrick, Isabel Joan, "Leisure-Time Activities for Adolescents Girls: A Survey of the Public and Private Agencies in the Two Bridges Neighborhood of New York's Lower-Lower East Side in 1958" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557693.
