Family Constellations of Twenty Delinquent Children Under Twelve Years of Age Remanded to the Observation Ward of the Kings County Hospital, Psychiatric Division From Brooklyn Children's Court, N.Y.C., 1958

Saunders Charlotte Louise, Fordham University


Family life, as it is known today, is indeed passing through a stage of profound change. Few problems have been as provocative and challenging to thoughtful students' of contemporary life as that of the family crisis, particularly as it is apparent that there is an overwhelming significance of family life and of the home contributing to emotional disturbance in children.The socially disorganized family has become an even more important area of study in an increasing number of sciences which include, social work, psychiatry, sociology, psychology, and anthropology. The current professional literature is evidence of the interest that many researchers have in this kind of family and in the relationship of the emotionally disturbed child to other members of that family unit.

Subject Area

Mental health|Clinical psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Saunders Charlotte Louise, "Family Constellations of Twenty Delinquent Children Under Twelve Years of Age Remanded to the Observation Ward of the Kings County Hospital, Psychiatric Division From Brooklyn Children's Court, N.Y.C., 1958" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557696.
