Maternal Behavior in the Multiproblem Family: A Study of Four Cases Known to Family Service, Catholic Charities of New York, 1956-1958, to Determine How the Factors of the Parent-Daughter Conflicts Interfered With a Stable Adult Adjustment

Gladys Torresola, Fordham University


In the second half of the past century, the heredity factor alone was considered to explain all personality maladies. All studies tended to consider criminals as victims of heredity. The individuals' fate remained largely determined by birth.Psychiatry too was dominated by the hereditary point of view and the personality of the patients and the environmental influences seemed to escape the recognition of investigators.

Subject Area

Individual & family studies|Social psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Torresola, Gladys, "Maternal Behavior in the Multiproblem Family: A Study of Four Cases Known to Family Service, Catholic Charities of New York, 1956-1958, to Determine How the Factors of the Parent-Daughter Conflicts Interfered With a Stable Adult Adjustment" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557697.
