The Clinic Intake Conference: A Study of Thirty-Five Cases Closed at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Manhattan, During 1957, With Particular Reference to Those Cases Rejected for Treatment

William Levine Wagner, Fordham University


The growth, development and progress of any science or profession depends in great measure upon the basic tool of problem solving, namely research. To the writer, it would seem inappropriate and unnecessary to dwell on the importance and value of research for the reader. However, with some awareness of the background of the writer the reader may gain some understanding of the writer's conviction that research is an invaluable tool in meeting the needs of society, or more appropriately the individual.An exploration into the background of the writer reveals several areas of research experience. For approximately four years the writer was engaged as a research assistant at the Johns Hopkins University in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Another research experience of the writer was in the field of bio-physics. For more than a year, the writer was a research assistant in a bio-physical laboratory. As a member of a "research team” in both experiences, the writer functioned as one member of the team engaged in understanding the various problems under study and contributed to the solution of a problem. In both situations the basic tool of "research” was the primary factor in the attempt to gain knowledge and understanding of the particular problem under investigation. The knowledge obtained was ultimately used in meeting the needs of both the individual and society, in general.

Subject Area

Chemical engineering|Social work

Recommended Citation

Wagner, William Levine, "The Clinic Intake Conference: A Study of Thirty-Five Cases Closed at Catholic Charities Guidance Institute, Manhattan, During 1957, With Particular Reference to Those Cases Rejected for Treatment" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557709.
