Charity and Social Service: An Analysis of the Role of the Christian Virtue of Charity in the Process of Relationship, as Seen in Casework, Group Work, and Community Organization

Eugene George Michael, Fordham University


Background of the Study. Social workers have long been interested in the process of relationship. Although it has held various titles such as friendship, rapport, empathy or transference, it has been universally accepted as a necessary medium of service. This concept is for Social Work a symbol of its revolt against that inhuman method of Welfare services known as the "Poor Law" system. Until very recently, however, the profession has not produced a clear and extensive statement in regard to this accepted practice. "The Casework Relationship" has provided such a statement and has thus performed an important, constructive service to Social Work. With this analysis accomplished, valuable new paths of research are opened.

Subject Area

Public policy|Social structure|Social work

Recommended Citation

Michael, Eugene George, "Charity and Social Service: An Analysis of the Role of the Christian Virtue of Charity in the Process of Relationship, as Seen in Casework, Group Work, and Community Organization" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557713.
