Displaced Persons and Refugees From Central Europe Assisted Jointly by Catholic Relief And Welfare Organizations Here and Abroad: A Case Study of Six Families Serviced Through the Coordination of These Agencies, 1945-1957

Max Wenk, Fordham University


"CARITAS" is not a word which lost its meaning but is still a positive virtue, an inspiring force which indeed is "the greatest of the three - faith, hope and charity". Charity is a word which has been misused and abused.The emigration and immigration countries of the world may negotiate on an equal footing the movement of people on the cold level "business", even then CHARITY cannot be excluded. Giving once more to this word its true and divine sense, DEUS CARITAS EST, how can it be excluded from any activity, and specially how can it be excluded from the activities of Catholic organizations, concerned with the movement of the own people and holding in their hands the destinies of so many human beings.

Subject Area

Public administration|Social work

Recommended Citation

Wenk, Max, "Displaced Persons and Refugees From Central Europe Assisted Jointly by Catholic Relief And Welfare Organizations Here and Abroad: A Case Study of Six Families Serviced Through the Coordination of These Agencies, 1945-1957" (1959). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557733.
