Reading Disabilities: A Study of One Hundred and Thirty-Six Cases Accepted for Study and/or Treatment at the Catholic Charities Guidance Institute From July 1st, 1956 to June 30th, 1959

Mary Barbara Skaff, Fordham University


The research project undertaken by students of the Fordham University School of Social Service in the Catholic Child Guidance Institute of the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York is an application of the group project method of research to the problem of reading disabilities and their possible relationship, as contributing factors, to the various types of emotional disorders for which children are referred to child guidance clinics. The study was suggested by the United States Steering Committee for World Mental Health Year, I960» Seven second-year students of the Fordham University School of Social Service aspiring to a Master’s degree in Social Service elected to participate in the study.

Subject Area

Disability studies|Reading instruction|Social work

Recommended Citation

Skaff, Mary Barbara, "Reading Disabilities: A Study of One Hundred and Thirty-Six Cases Accepted for Study and/or Treatment at the Catholic Charities Guidance Institute From July 1st, 1956 to June 30th, 1959" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557737.
