A Study of Ten Adolescent Boys Admitted to Kings County Hospital Prison Ward During 1948

Mary Joanne Howe, Fordham University


One of the most alarming phases of the present crime situation is not the loss of life and property nor the anxiety experienced by the law abiding citizens, all of which are serious enough, but what is infinitely more serious is the fact that youth plays such an outstanding role in the "gruesome drama”. Every year thousands of "delinquent children” appear before and pass through the juvenile courts in the United States. Youth continues to contribute its quota to the immense army of criminals.

Subject Area

Law|Law enforcement|Social work

Recommended Citation

Howe, Mary Joanne, "A Study of Ten Adolescent Boys Admitted to Kings County Hospital Prison Ward During 1948" (1953). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557738.
