Madonna House: A Catholic Social Settlement in Lower Manhattan

Mary Monica Donella, Fordham University


What is a social settlement? The author in the course of this study has reviewed numerous interpretations of a social settlement. It is her impression that the most clear cut definition is to be found in the Encyclopedia Britannica.The Industrial Revolution, in England? brought with it a centralization of labor. There was a movement from the farm to the factory; cities of magnitude began to develop. These cities in turn gave rise to deplorable living conditions. Laborers of low income bracket, were forced to reside in depraved neighborhoods. The shift from the farm to the factory was a difficult adjustment for the working man to make. He was no longer able to work at his own pace; he became a spoke in the wheel of progress. His hours at the factory were long; with every ounce of his physical strength, he earned his merger wage. If he found time for leisure, his earnings did not permit him to indulge in recreational luxuries. Life in the city was hard.

Subject Area

European Studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Donella, Mary Monica, "Madonna House: A Catholic Social Settlement in Lower Manhattan" (1953). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557740.
