Lead Poisoning and the Pre-School Child: A Case Study of Psycho-Social Factors Contributing to the Need to Ingest Paint as Evidenced in Seven Children Treated at Kings County Hospital, June-September, 1959

Patricia Ann Brown, Fordham University


During the summer of 1959, the author fortunately had the opportunity to work as a medical social worker at Kings County Hospital under a newly inaugurated policy of the New York City Department of Hospitals. This program was the first attempt to employ student social workers for the summer months.Since the program at Kings County Hospital was geared toward providing the student with an additional learning experience in social work in general and medical social work in particular, the student unit of six was presented with several selected samples of medical problems needing casework services. In addition, our scope of services was widened to include clinic intake.

Subject Area

Developmental psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Brown, Patricia Ann, "Lead Poisoning and the Pre-School Child: A Case Study of Psycho-Social Factors Contributing to the Need to Ingest Paint as Evidenced in Seven Children Treated at Kings County Hospital, June-September, 1959" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557749.
