The Kolping House: A Study of a Catholic Society for Young Workingmen in Manhattan, 1888-1952

Florence Paula Engelhardt, Fordham University


Background of the Study. We are presently living in an age of secularism and materialism, and we are faced with the immense task of curbing the further de-Christianization of civilization. The concepts of justice and charity are vocalized but, all too frequently, not practiced. To many, labor has lost its dignity, and has become merely a means of livelihood and of surviving the economic pressures of the day. The concept of Christian marriage is being undermined with a disintegrating effect on home life. The fact that a large percentage of young people are not properly prepared to assume the responsibilities of married life has become sharply crystallized, and must be considered as a contributing factor toward the high divorce rate in this country. These and other disorders and weaknesses are indicative of a state of ill-health in our society. The symptoms of social disorder are easily recognizable. Less obvious and less agreed upon, however, are the causes of our modern ills. This, in turn, presents the need for a social awareness of the basic foundations of human society, which should be examined so that order and harmony can be restored to human relations.

Subject Area

Individual & family studies|Criminology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Engelhardt, Florence Paula, "The Kolping House: A Study of a Catholic Society for Young Workingmen in Manhattan, 1888-1952" (1953). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557752.
