Catholic Youth Organisation Neighborhood Center: A Study of the North Side Branch, Syracuse, New York, 1944-1952

Mary Elizabeth McCarthy, Fordham University


Background of the Study. Mature citizens of today give cognizance to the prominent place leisure time plays in our civilization. To a large extent the use of leisure time molds the personalities of individuals and determines the cultures of groups.Preparing youth to face the present day world with its false doctrines and practices must begin in the home. It is in the home that every person receives his best or his worst moral training, for it is during childhood that the mind is most impressionable and suggestible.

Subject Area

Public administration|Social work

Recommended Citation

McCarthy, Mary Elizabeth, "Catholic Youth Organisation Neighborhood Center: A Study of the North Side Branch, Syracuse, New York, 1944-1952" (1953). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557757.
