A Study of the Progress of Six Children of Dull Normal to Low Average Classification From Whom Legal Adoption Has Been Completed

Kathryn M Horan, Fordham University


There has been mention of the universality of the adoption law in the United States. Most of us have regarded adoption as having been present in our culture without too much concern as to its origin.The general public, having no personal involvement in adoption, thinks of it only in its legal aspects, with little thought as to the social and sociological aspects. However, in studying the historical background of this subject, we are told that adoption probably goes back to the beginning of historical time. Certainly we note recordings of some form of adoption in the time of the Baby-Ionians, Jews and Greeks.

Subject Area

Law|Public administration|Social work

Recommended Citation

Horan, Kathryn M, "A Study of the Progress of Six Children of Dull Normal to Low Average Classification From Whom Legal Adoption Has Been Completed" (1953). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30557784.
