Perspective transformation in adult ESL learners using Internet technology

Dianne Susan LaCava, Fordham University


This research examines the role of Internet technology as it relates to English as a second language acquisition, and to what extent adult ESL learners experience perspective transformation as a result of this activity. The Learning Activities Survey: ESL/Technology Format was used to analyze self-reporting data from four intact groups of nonnative English-speaking adults enrolled in an ESL program in Danbury, CT. Follow-up structured interviews with 7 volunteer participants were conducted, in addition to interviews with the ESL program staff members. Consistent with the pilot study, the results of this investigation demonstrate that 94.6% of adults practicing Internet technology in their education experienced perspective transformation. The findings also indicate that there are definite perspective transformation characteristics among these subjects, and that class discussions were the learning activity that most frequently contributed to perspective transformations. Four facilitators of perspective transformation were categorized as educational activities, influential people, life changes, and Internet technology. Four emergent themes regarding perspective transformation experiences among these participants were English language learning, cultural changes, personal changes, and exposure to Internet technology. Ample descriptive self-reporting data also concluded that the variable of Internet technology alone greatly impacted perspective transformation experiences. This study concurs with previous research in this field, and provides additional evidence that adult ESL learners not only benefit from Internet technology, but also from the perspective transformation experiences to which it may lead.

Subject Area

Adult education|Educational technology

Recommended Citation

LaCava, Dianne Susan, "Perspective transformation in adult ESL learners using Internet technology" (2002). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3056144.
