An explanatory study of biological parents' perception and behaviors related to their child in foster care

Doreen Yvette Davis, Fordham University


The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and experiences of biological parents whose children were in foster care. This researcher interviewed forty-one parents with children in out-of-home placements. The research examined whether parents perceptions of their feelings impact adversely on parent/child relationships during the course of the placement. The independent variable was parents' grief experience. The dependent variable was parent visiting. The instruments used were the Grief Experience Questionnaire and The Impact of Event Scale. New York State Department of Children and Family, The Administration for Children Services granted the researcher permission to access their systems records and files along with two contracted agencies. The interviews of the respondents took place in their home or over the telephone. The most significant study findings were that parents experienced a grief reaction to their child being in placement, and how the parent experienced the event of placement correlated to the level of grief.

Subject Area

Social work|Womens studies|Individual & family studies|Sociology

Recommended Citation

Davis, Doreen Yvette, "An explanatory study of biological parents' perception and behaviors related to their child in foster care" (2002). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI3058893.
