"Attendance Bureaus: A Study of Attendance Practices and Procedures in " by Melvin Hambro

Attendance Bureaus: A Study of Attendance Practices and Procedures in Fifty of the Largest Cities in the Unite States, 1960-1961

Melvin Hambro, Fordham University


The writer has been an attendance worker for the past six and one half years. During this time numerous cases of absence from school have been investigated; of these cases a startling percentage (over 35 per cent) have been due to truancy.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Hambro, Melvin, "Attendance Bureaus: A Study of Attendance Practices and Procedures in Fifty of the Largest Cities in the Unite States, 1960-1961" (1962). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613147.
