Requests for Adoption of Their Own Child by Full Legitimate Parents: A Study of Seventeen Cases Known to the New York Foundling Hospital During the Period, January 1947 Through December 1952

Adelaide Marie Mackey, Fordham University


A small number of fully legitimate children are being adopted by other persons than relatives, whether the adoptive placement is independent, or as in this study, through the services of a social agency.The aim of the writer is to present a descriptive and factual picture of parents who, while continuing to live together, decide on the radical step of adoption for their own child. The focus is on the personality structure of the parents and on the marital relationship. It is not on adoption, as such. The study will review the reasons given by the clients for their applications and try to evaluate these reasons in the light of what the case records indicate to be the personality needs and potentials for maturity in the couple. A critical evaluation of the casework involved will not be attempted.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Mackey, Adelaide Marie, "Requests for Adoption of Their Own Child by Full Legitimate Parents: A Study of Seventeen Cases Known to the New York Foundling Hospital During the Period, January 1947 Through December 1952" (1953). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613148.
