The United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Philadelphia, 1944-1954: A Historical Study of the American Committee for the Relief of Ukrainian Displaced Persons

John O Kupybida, Fordham University


This study is concerned with the function and activity of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee in resettlement of the Ukrainian refugees from behind the Iron Curtain. As a result of the last World War, thousands of Ukrainians were forced by German occupational authorities to leave their homeland, others had to flee westward before advancing Soviet troops. This movement of people created grave sociological, economic and moral conditions in the already overpopulated Western Germany andAustria.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Kupybida, John O, "The United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Philadelphia, 1944-1954: A Historical Study of the American Committee for the Relief of Ukrainian Displaced Persons" (1954). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613154.
