Puerto Rican Absentee Children: A Socio-Cultural Analysis of Twenty-Four Puerto Rican Absentee Children and Their Families Known to the Casework Unit I of the Bureau of Attendance, New York City, 1959-1963

Luz Elena Lopez, Fordham University


The study consists of a socio-cultural analysis of twenty-four Puerto Rican children who experienced difficulty in making an adequate adjustment to school.

Subject Area

Sociology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Lopez, Luz Elena, "Puerto Rican Absentee Children: A Socio-Cultural Analysis of Twenty-Four Puerto Rican Absentee Children and Their Families Known to the Casework Unit I of the Bureau of Attendance, New York City, 1959-1963" (1963). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613159.
