Child Guidance: A Comparative Study of 5 Children Who Were Excluded From Elementary Schools and Successfully Replaced and 5 Children Who Were Not Replaced at the Time of the Study, Child Guidance Department, Board of Education, Newark, New Jersey, 1961

William J Murosky, Fordham University


This is a comparative study of five children who were excluded from elementary schools and successfully replaced in the same school or another one; and, five children who were excluded but not successfully replaced at the time of the study. For this study will not include those children excluded for reasons of physical handicaps or personal illnesses, but will be concerned only with those who, because of emotional or social maladjustment, could not be maintained in school, were excluded, and assigned to Child Guidance for treatment. The study will attempt to point up similarities in personality and family background.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Murosky, William J, "Child Guidance: A Comparative Study of 5 Children Who Were Excluded From Elementary Schools and Successfully Replaced and 5 Children Who Were Not Replaced at the Time of the Study, Child Guidance Department, Board of Education, Newark, New Jersey, 1961" (1962). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613165.
