Hong Kong Refugee Problem: A Study of the Various Approaches to Humanitarian Solution of the Refugee Problem in the Colony of Hong Kong, 1949-1962

Francis Kwok Ho Yeung, Fordham University


Hong Kong, a British Crown Colony, is situated on the southern tip of China. The Colony is composed of Victoria Island, the adjacent Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories leased from China for ninety-nine years in 1898. The sum total of the area covers 398 square miles. The population is practically entirely Chinese, with a small minority of British officials, regiments and foreign residents.

Subject Area

Sociology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Yeung, Francis Kwok Ho, "Hong Kong Refugee Problem: A Study of the Various Approaches to Humanitarian Solution of the Refugee Problem in the Colony of Hong Kong, 1949-1962" (1963). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613182.
