"Natural Parents' Plan for Their Children at Point of Intake for Foster" by Challene Nier

Natural Parents' Plan for Their Children at Point of Intake for Foster Home Placement and an Evaluation of Parents' Ability to Follow Through: A Study of 36 Cases Taken Into Care by Society for Seamen's Children, Staten Island, New York, in 1957

Challene Nier, Fordham University


Since this is a study of one of the many facets of foster care, it may be worthwhile to orient ourselves by looking at the history and development of foster care in this country, before we turn our attention to what is happening today in one aspect of the problems surrounding foster care.

Subject Area

Social research|Individual & family studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Nier, Challene, "Natural Parents' Plan for Their Children at Point of Intake for Foster Home Placement and an Evaluation of Parents' Ability to Follow Through: A Study of 36 Cases Taken Into Care by Society for Seamen's Children, Staten Island, New York, in 1957" (1962). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613187.
