Adolescents' Social Functioning: A Follow-Up Study of Ten Former Patients Born in 1948 Who Were Treated Before or During 1961 at the Bronx Catholic Charities Guidance Institute to Determine Their Adjustment in 1964 Under the Stresses of Adolescence

Rene Germain Beauchesne, Fordham University


This is a follow-up study of ten, fifteen-year-old adolescents who were treated before or during 1961 at the Bronx Catholic Charities Guidance Institute. It is an investigation of these adolescents' adjustment under the stresses of adolescence in 1964.The writer offers two hypotheses for this study:1. Some adolescents who were treated had difficulty in their adjustment; others had no difficulty.2. The degree to which the children responded to therapy is proportionate to the degree to which they successfully handled the stresses of adolescence.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Beauchesne, Rene Germain, "Adolescents' Social Functioning: A Follow-Up Study of Ten Former Patients Born in 1948 Who Were Treated Before or During 1961 at the Bronx Catholic Charities Guidance Institute to Determine Their Adjustment in 1964 Under the Stresses of Adolescence" (1964). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613193.
