Traumatic Paraplegia: Its Psychological Implications and the Impact of the Rehabilitation Process as Seen in Five Adults Treated at Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, 1959-1863

Sister Mary Totti, Fordham University


The object of this study of five cases of Traumatic Paraplegia treated at Kings County Hospital is to show and emphasize the importance of psychosocial factors and their relation to treatment in the rehabilitation process of a physical disability. All patients are Brooklyn residents but their cultural background differs. These cases present a broad variety of life experiences. They are classified as recent, since they have been active within the last four years. physical disability always impairs normal functioning. This study is limited to paralysis of the legs due to an accident.

Subject Area

Mental health|Social work

Recommended Citation

Totti, Sister Mary, "Traumatic Paraplegia: Its Psychological Implications and the Impact of the Rehabilitation Process as Seen in Five Adults Treated at Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, 1959-1863" (1963). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613221.
