Short-Term Treatment in a Child Guidance Center: A Follow-Up Study of the Parents of 10 Children Treated at the Child Psychiatric and Guidance Center of Lackawanna County, at Scranton, Pennsylvania, Between January 1961 and October 1961

Michael C. Fastiggi, Fordham University


The authors in the study cited were interested in assessing the value of casework efforts. However, the writer, in this piece of research, is interested in assessing the attitudes of a sample of parents towards an agency's short-term therapy program.

Subject Area

Counseling Psychology|Mental health|Social work

Recommended Citation

Fastiggi, Michael C., "Short-Term Treatment in a Child Guidance Center: A Follow-Up Study of the Parents of 10 Children Treated at the Child Psychiatric and Guidance Center of Lackawanna County, at Scranton, Pennsylvania, Between January 1961 and October 1961" (1962). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613224.
