Foster Care: A Descriptive Study of Sixty Homes Approved by the Catholic Home Bureau and Closed Within a Two Year Period, Selected From the Years 1956-1960

Mary Cornelius Shea, Fordham University


A descriptive study was made of sixty foster homes which were closed by the Catholic Home Bureau within two years after the initial application. Representing the total number of homes indicative of the above requisite, selection was made from the five year period, January 1, 1956 through December 31, 1960. The purpose of the present study is to determine, on the basis of recorded material, what factors may have precipitated the closing of sixty foster homes within two years after the initial application. Was the home study made with accuracy and thoroughness? Did the placement occur without sufficient matching of personality traits of the child and the foster parents? Were there elements in the supervisory process which may have led to these homes being closed?

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Shea, Mary Cornelius, "Foster Care: A Descriptive Study of Sixty Homes Approved by the Catholic Home Bureau and Closed Within a Two Year Period, Selected From the Years 1956-1960" (1963). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613230.
