The Aged and Chronically Ill in a Modern Jewish Home: A Study of the Services of Beth Abraham Home, Bronx, New York, January 1961-December 1961

Anthony Solimene, Fordham University


Over forty years ago a small group of dedicated women, unhappy with available conditions within New York City for the Jewish Aged and chronically ill, founded Beth Abraham Home to meet the needs of these poor people. Beth Abraham began in a small frame building. It provided custodial care only, for fifty-four patients labeled "incurables". Today, with 531 beds, Beth Abraham is the largest voluntary nursing home for the chronically ill and aged in the United States. It serves adults ranging in age from eighteen to seventy-five years of age.

Subject Area

Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Solimene, Anthony, "The Aged and Chronically Ill in a Modern Jewish Home: A Study of the Services of Beth Abraham Home, Bronx, New York, January 1961-December 1961" (1963). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30613247.
