"Unmarried Fathers: A Case Study of 24 Families and the Influence of Th" by Margaret I Roppelt

Unmarried Fathers: A Case Study of 24 Families and the Influence of These Fathers After the Children Have Been Discharged From Institutional Care, Catholic Guardian Society of Brooklyn, New York, 1962

Margaret I Roppelt, Fordham University


The problem of the unmarried mother is one that is met frequently in casework agencies today. There is a wealth of material regarding her. In contrast there is little known about the unmarried or unrelated father who continues to live with her after the birth of her child, or who forms a relationship with her after she has had a child by another man.The few studies that have been done indicate that his personality is frequently similar to that of the unmarried mother. However, these studies are usually based on the unmarried father who leaves the mother after she becomes pregnant.

Subject Area

Social studies education|Individual & family studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Roppelt, Margaret I, "Unmarried Fathers: A Case Study of 24 Families and the Influence of These Fathers After the Children Have Been Discharged From Institutional Care, Catholic Guardian Society of Brooklyn, New York, 1962" (1962). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670785.
