Nigerian Child Welfare Services: An Historical Sketch of Voluntary and Public Services for Children 18O7-1956

Ada Alice Amadi, Fordham University


Background and Timeliness of this Study. In the world of today, there may be from three to five million rural "communities” - local groups possessing some cohesiveness and some common institutions ranging from nomadic tribes of fifty members up to densely settled agricultural villages of several thousand inhabitants. Such groups comprise up to eighty percent of the people of the so-called economically less-developed countries. During recent years, as the governments of these countries have assumed wider responsibilities for the promotion of economic development and human welfare, they have found in the rural communities their most challenging problems. It is also evident that, in these days of world crises, struggle for balance of power and outburst of nationalism, the worid's attention is greatly focused on the underdeveloped areas of the world. The rapidity of the growth of the spirit of nationalism and the impact of economic social and technological changes in the underdeveloped areas has been a source of alarm to the more advanced sections of the world. This impact, though advantageous in many ways, has served to impair the social and cultural integrity of these less advanced areas and to throw their traditional subsistence economy out of balance. The traditional family and community relationships have tended to break down under such great pressures as mass population movements and feelings of insecurity in the presence of new situations. Under these circumstances people have tended to respond with apathy, blank resistance to change or unreasonable hopes and demands.

Subject Area

Economics|Social studies education|Social work

Recommended Citation

Amadi, Ada Alice, "Nigerian Child Welfare Services: An Historical Sketch of Voluntary and Public Services for Children 18O7-1956" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670790.
