Social Service Department of St. Vincent’s Home for Boys, Brooklyn A Study of Its Organization and Function, 1945-1956

Vincent Paul Cosentino, Fordham University


BACKGROUND and TIMELINESS of the STUDY. In the post-World War II years there have been many new vistas opened for those possessing an interest in newly opened or rapidly advancing fields. For example, there has been great research in the field of jet-propulsion; intense interest in the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy: and of far more import to the citizens of our country, though not as widely publicized, the application of casework principles in the dealings with children in our child caring institutions. "...people in this country became more and more aware of what children meant to the future of the nation and the world. And because of our awareness we demand higher and higher standards for their welfare, education, and health care.” Because of this ever-increasing awareness, the writer has chosen to study the Social Service Department of St. Vincent’s Home for Boys. This unit has as its primary function the moral guidance, welfare, education and health of dependent boys.

Subject Area

Social work|History|Social studies education

Recommended Citation

Cosentino, Vincent Paul, "Social Service Department of St. Vincent’s Home for Boys, Brooklyn A Study of Its Organization and Function, 1945-1956" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670792.
