Enuresis: A Study of the Relationship Between Enuresis and Learning Problems Through a Comparison of Enuretic and Non-enuretic Children; the Staten Island Mental Health Society Staten Island, New York 1961–1962

Susan J Brenner, Fordham University


Background of the Study. Enuresis is a problem that has occupied parents, social workers, psychiatrists and anyone concerned with children and the guiding of their development. Child guidance centers see these children and are aware that the symptom is often coupled with other indications of a serious problem and that it is something which should give cause for concern.The Staten Island Mental Health Society's child guidance clinic regards enuresis as a significant symptom. Through my placement in this clinic, I have become interested inf the implications of enuresis. One of these, it is suggested seems to be a lack of impulse control and the presence of a learning inhibition.There are several theories concerning the etiology of enuresis. It is seen as related to a lack of training, to rigid training resulting in a later regression, to the presence of a psychosis, a severe trauma, and to an expression of psychoneurosis. The majority of cases are continuous rather than regressive and seem to have more relation to the lack of training or poor training than to too rigid training.

Subject Area

Social research|Clinical psychology|Mental health|Social work

Recommended Citation

Brenner, Susan J, "Enuresis: A Study of the Relationship Between Enuresis and Learning Problems Through a Comparison of Enuretic and Non-enuretic Children; the Staten Island Mental Health Society Staten Island, New York 1961–1962" (1963). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670807.
