In-service Training, Its Place in a Public Agency; A Study of the Kinds of Training Available and Needed and the Benefits Derived From Such Training as Seen by the Casework and Supervisory Staff in the Office of Public Assistance, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare in Luzerne County, 1964

Mary E Conlan, Fordham University


The responsibility for the quality of public welfare programs rests ultimately with the total community. However, to get community support, there must be more effort made to involve individual citizens. The quality of programs in public assistance is related to the quality of programs of other agencies; therefore, all social workers have a direct stake in what happens in the public assistance programs. The public assistance staff has the most direct responsibility for staff development within their programs, and administrators must take responsibility for this administrative function. This calls for a clearly stated and continuous program of staff development closely integrated with, and flowing from, the purpose and the function of the total agency program. There must be an agency atmosphere conducive to high performance, including the basic policy for the administration of service. The attainment of training goals is the responsibility of personnel at all levels and cannot be separated on the basis of agency hierarchy.Training of public assistance personnel as viewed in the manner quoted above becomes not only the concern of the administrator of the public assistance agency and a training specialist or department working under his direction, but of many more people. The professionally trained social worker in the private agency, the citizen of the community and the client of the agency all benefit from training received by the public assistance worker.

Subject Area

Public policy|Social research|Public administration|Social work

Recommended Citation

Conlan, Mary E, "In-service Training, Its Place in a Public Agency; A Study of the Kinds of Training Available and Needed and the Benefits Derived From Such Training as Seen by the Casework and Supervisory Staff in the Office of Public Assistance, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare in Luzerne County, 1964" (1964). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670814.
