Look in the Mirror Test A Test Devised for the Study of the Personality and Behavior Problems of Adolescent Youth

Brother Aquinas Thomas Nugent, Fordham University


Background of the Study. The Look-in-the-Mirror Test is a tool developed for use in guidance and casework with adolescent youth. The Test was developed in a children’s institution, Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New fork.The Look-in-the-Mirror Test is a device that can be employed in the analysis of the personality and behavior of adolescent youth. The test can also be employed as an instrument in the conduct of group therapy sessions with adolescent youth. The Look-in-the-Mirror Test is the result of years of experimentation. For more than a decade it was used in the development of the idea and in experimenting with the boys in the composition of the test. The test lies in an area between the standard objective test and the projective tests that are now available on the publishers’ market. It was felt that the published tests now obtainable were not adequate, that they were too general and that they were geared more to psychometric findings than to therapeutic purpose.

Subject Area

Social research|Personality psychology|Social work|Behavioral psychology

Recommended Citation

Nugent, Brother Aquinas Thomas, "Look in the Mirror Test A Test Devised for the Study of the Personality and Behavior Problems of Adolescent Youth" (1954). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670825.
